Friday, June 21, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: The Mirror
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: The Mirror: The most simple spiritual truths have been discovered since Ancient ages, yet a great part of mankind is not ready to acknowledge them. O...
The Mirror
The most simple spiritual truths have been discovered since Ancient ages, yet a great part of mankind is not ready to acknowledge them. One of them is that the Universe ALWAYS gives you a pure OUTSIDE REFECTION of your INNER WORLD.
Discovered on the mysterious Emerald Tablet: " So Above, so Below; so Within, so Without" summarizes this eternal truth. When human beings start realizing it and applying it, they experience blessings in their lives. When they disregard it, they experience pain and suffering.
This law is the same for ALL OF US-no exception. The world you are currently experiencing is the TRANSCRIPTION of your inner world.
Now let me ask you to take a TEST with me and I will tell you how your INNER WORLD probably looks like.
Look at yourself in the MIRROR. What do you see?
A happy, a discouraged, a hopeful, a doubtful and angry or joyous FACE? Your facial expressions and your body language are currently reflected in your mirror.
Are you HAPPY with what you see? I f yes, keep entertaining your inner world the same way. If no, it is about time to CHANGE YOUR INNER PERCEPTION.
There is a tale about a dog that went into a palace that was full of mirrors. It started looking at all the unknown dogs and started barkíng against them.
All the reflections in the mirror started acting the same way. In the end, the dog went fearfully away, telling himself: " The world is definitely an UNFRIENDLY place!
A second dog came to the same place, started wawing his tail in a joyful manner. The other dog reflections acted in the same way. The dog left happy and said to himself: " What a FRIENDLY place the Universe actually is!"
Although a great majority keeps doing it, it is TOTALLY UNUSEFUL to BLAME OTHERS or the government, or the Church or whoever else for your own perceptions.
Be loving, friendly towards yourself and towards others and the world will be loving and friendly.
It is all about lighting the inside light and spreading it to the world!
You have the power to change your life! Now!
What are you waiting for? Get more tips from Unwrap Your Present, my self help book.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Powerful positive projection
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Powerful positive projection: We all have this incredible POWER to project ourselves, yet this power is misused by most people. Instinctively, a lot of people choose...
Powerful positive projection
We all have this incredible POWER to project ourselves, yet this power is misused by most people. Instinctively, a lot of people choose to project their FEARFUL thoughts and then, complain about the RESULT without even realizing that they just MANIFESTED their own fearful thought. Then, to comfort themselves in their negative views, they present themselves as 'unlucky' or 'victims' of unfair circumstances.
Society conditioned us to project us fearfully: "what if I don t succeed?" " what if this obstacle shows up?" and so on...
I have been there too...for years...UNTIL I understood you can TOTALLY REVERSE this process to your greatest advantage. Do yourself a favor and ask yourself: " What if I SUCCEED?" you start questionning your mind in a positive way, the screen inside of you will PROJECT AMAZING SCENARIIS...your body will release ENDORPHINS, you will start feeling good...and MANIFEST A POSITIVE REALITY.
Yes, it is that easy: once you stop considering yourself as a VICTIM of your government, your peers or whatever else and turn your negative fears into POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS, you set a POWERFUL CREATIVE PROCESS INTO MOTION!
You DO have thaT POWER...why not start using it RIGHT NOW?
More tips are available in my self-help book, Unwrap your Present.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Monday, April 29, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: The importance of relaxation
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: The importance of relaxation: No matter what it happening right now in your life, it is very important that you learn how to RELAX. Relaxation will help you EASE any...
The importance of relaxation
No matter what it happening right now in your life, it is very important that you learn how to RELAX.
Relaxation will help you EASE any situation and GOOD THINGS always happen when you are in a RELAXED STATE OF MIND.
No matter HOW HIGH THE PRESSURE you feel, there is ALWAYS a way to break up with it, even if you are sitting at your desk at work, feeling overwhelmed by numerous tasks.
If you are at home or in a place where you are free to come and go, I d advice you to HAVE A BREAK-RIGHT NOW: just by allowing yourself to have a break, you are LOWERING the pressure quite instantly.
Notice all the tensions in your body...breathe in deeply, take all the tensions with you and LET THEM GO when you breathe out. Repeat this exercise until you feel DEEPLY RELAXED.
Just acknowledging stress and tension zones can help you get rid of them.
Ok. you might be sitting at work and the boss is expecting you to deliver all the work until 5 pm. You are feeling overwhelmed as the tasks are numerous and arduuous.
Now just stop for one minute. Just enter into the breathing process: it is important that you empty your head now and just let a fresh breeze of air into your body...breathe in deeply, breathe out deeply...empty all forms of stress by concentrating on your breathing. Once you feel better, go back to your tasks...doesn t it feel MUCH BETTER? I bet you ll be working more EFFICIENTLY NOW!
Each time, you are noticing tensions, start will notice AN INSTANT RELIEF.
At home I d advice you to do more relaxation exercises. When you come back from work, ALLOW YOURSELF at least 10 minutes where you can RELAX.
There are different ways to relax. Meditation, hypnotherapy, visualization, positive thinking work, funny movies work well for will find more relaxation tips in my self-help book, Unwrap Your Present.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Know yourself before you start helping others
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Know yourself before you start helping others: "Nosce te ipsum", know yourself is one of the most important proverbs of Ancient times. In ancient Rome, people understood th...
Know yourself before you start helping others
"Nosce te ipsum", know yourself is one of the most important proverbs of Ancient times. In ancient Rome, people understood the burning necessity for someone to get a better self-knowledge. This precious advice was applied to doctors in particular. To cure others, you must be able to cure yourself at first.
From a teacher s point of view, I d like to state that you will be unable to teach any subject if you don t master your subject AT FIRST. This implies that you become an avid student and first and then that you ll do some reflection about the best way to transmit your knowledge.
As well as the blind man from Jesus parabole will not be able to guide another blind man, you must AWAKEN first before you will bring light into a community.
In order to know yourself better, you must clearly be willing to wander through your mind and analyze yourself. Be conscious of your strengths, but also of your weaknesses. I d advice you to LIST them in two columns. Then, DECIDE to work on your strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Another step is also to learn to love yourself. HIGHLIGHT your KNOW HOWs, your strengths and DEVELOP MORE CONFIDENCE.
Master your emotions in a WAY THAT SERVES YOU. Use positive emotions for instance to create room for more joy with your entourage.
Always put yourself into the skin of a learner of the school of life. Be humble: you can learn from anybody,even the simple minded and the tramp.
Back in 1996, I was going through a very challenging situation. Sitting on a bank outside, I was feeling depressed. A young man, who happened to be homeless and a hard drugs user, addressed to me. He first introduced himself and then asked me:
" You look depressed...why are you feeling bad today?"
I replied: " because it is Summer time and I am unable to travel!
He then disappeared for ten minutes. When he came back, he had a big smile on his face. He gave me a travel guide with the most beautiful destinations...
He looked at me and told me: " You can now close your eyes and travel with your mind"
Believe it or not, my bad mood disappeared instantly. I did this before I went to bed and felt ínstantly much better. Of course, it didn t solve my problem immediately, but it helped me cope with a difficult situation.
Also know WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and DO MORE OF IT: I know, for instance, that writing makes me truly happy. Being in Paris at a terrace, savoring an expresso also makes me feel incredibly good. Being with amazing friends and sharing thoughts raises my vibes might be very different things for you, but be aware of them and make sure you are doing them even more!
Once you will have understood your inside world better, you will be able to give some precious advices to other people.
Explore yourself and let your light shine!
Unwrap your present is a self-help book that will help you on your way. It is available at Amazon, Hayden Kian Publishing, Smaswords and Lulu. Com.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Kill fear and let calm set in
Did you notice that most of our negative habits are conditioned by FEAR?
We all have, over the time, developed a type of habits, mostly through childhood conditioning, that don t serve us at all. A lot of them are due to deep rooted subconscious fears. Anger too, is a disguised form of discomfort due to fear.
What is fear? Fear can be defined as FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. Once that you start realizing that fear is an illusion, often created by your mind, through repetitive negative thoughts, you also realize that there are ways to overcome and even annihilate your fears.
So how do I overcome fears, especially the deep-rooted ones, the ones that provoke self-sabotage, for instance?
There are several methods that really work efficiently for me, so I would like to share them with all of you, in order to help you reach a better QUALITY OF LIFE, no matter your circumstances.
The first step is paying attention to your internal tension and fear. By realizing that your problems are caused by fear and anxiousness, you will be able to ACT UPON them. Simply by making a FIRM DECISION to get rid of your fears, you are on the RIGHT PATH.
The second step is to develop MORE CONFIDENCE. I d advice you to have a look at Paul Mc Kennas Instant Confidence book, in which the NLP expert reveals you some proven techniques that actually WORK.
The third step is essential. You will kill fears by CALMING YOUR MIND and realizing there is nothing to fear about. Your world is actually SAFE.
So how do you calm your mind?
-By using breathing techniques, you will slow down your emotions and be more IN CONTROL of body and mind...five minutes of breathing in and out will help your mind and body to relax completely.
-by listening to brainwaves and binaural beats in a relaxed state, you will improve calm and support your creative abilities
- I started using hypnosis for mind reprogramming a year ago. Of course, I d strongly advice you to use mp3s or CDs made by professional hypnotherapists like Paul Mc Kenna or Kevin Laye. Hypnotherapy is very efficient because in a state of trance you are ALLOWING positive suggestions made to your subconscious mind.
- meditation and visualization are also very efficient. I do use them as daily exercises.
-chilling and having fun: watching a Laurel and Hardy movie, for instance, can help you relax better.
-be conscious of your capabilities will help develop more confidence.
The more confident you are, the less there is to fear. Now take a look inside: you are SAFE. Fear has no reason to remain in your life! Relax and let calm set it. As you start developing these techniques, you will create a more beautiful environment all around you. Go for it!
More techniques are revealed in Unwrap Your Present.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Do not wish your days and months away, rather deve...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Do not wish your days and months away, rather deve...: Did it happen to you to be so much excited by a future event, that you wished to accelerate time and totally wished the remaining days a...
Do not wish your days and months away, rather develop the will to be there here and now
Did it happen to you to be so much excited by a future event, that you wished to accelerate time and totally wished the remaining days away?
It probably happened to you. It has happened to me and the final result was disappointment!
While I do consider it to be highly positive for any of us to project ourselves in a happy expectation of the future, I also think that it can be quite dangerous when this future obliterates your present.
No matter what is happening right now in your life, no matter if you like it or dislike it, it is ESSENTIAL for you TO BE HERE AND NOW.
A few years ago, I remember myself being looking forward to a future move with such an intensity that I really wished myself away, a few months in advance. There was no place for the present any more and I was talking about this future so much that my entourage was even getting tired of it. In the end, when I reached the so much expected moment, things didn t turn out the way I expected them and I had to deal with loads of difficulties.
But the three preceding months had vanished and i had no benefit of them at ALL.
Looking back at the time I had invested in looking for my "better" future made me bitter for a while.
Do you get my point? There is always a PERFECT TIMING in the Universe. You notice it when you grow plants in your garden or when you water them in your apartment. Wanting to accelerate things before time is like forcing the Universe for PREMATURE CREATION: it often leads to accidents and disappoitment.
I know patience is a virtue we all need to let grow like a beautiful flower, so beautiful surprises will unfold on time.
Be here-now. Be present. The present is really worth living, and even if there are details you dislike in the now, take time to FOCUS ON THE BRIGHT SIDE of your life. Enjoy each moment, for it is a precious gift. The more you will be focused on each single second, the faster time will fly.
Time only seems long to the ones who are bored or who spend their whole time complaining. ALLOW your PRESENT TO BE GREAT AND YOUR FUTURE WILL EVEN BE GREATER!
I gathered more tips in my self-help book, Unwrap Your Present.
Like all of you, I am a learner. Life is my school. I got good and bad marks and I shared my experiences on the following blogs:
Unwrap your Present Blogspot.
Unwrap Your Present Webs.
Check them out.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Monday, April 8, 2013
Tips to deliberate manifestation
We are all manifestors. We all do possess this wonderful ability to manifest things, whether we realize it or not.
The trouble is, most people are using their mind against them and usually manifest quite the contrary of what they wanted.
If you are determined to manifest something precise in your life, beware that anxiousness, fearful projections, nervousness and doubt are the main killers of the vision you just created.
It is impossible to manifest something you are holding in your mind if you are letting the thieves of doubt, fear, and anger rob your vision. Try to accelerate and slow down at the same time: STATUS QUO is the result!
So today I would like to help you manifest more positive things in your life.
How do I manifest things I really want?
The first step is ALWAYS to CLEARLY know what you want. The best method is to use Michael Losiers clarity through contrast sheets. By eliminating what you don t want, you will become CLEAR about identifying your needs.
The second, often neglected step is to CALM YOUR MIND...this step is often ignored by law of attraction gurus and spiritual teachers. Even if you have to spend half an hour on breathing exercises, before you visualize your goal, I d strongly advice you to do it! Breathe in and out until you feel totally calm and relaxed.
Notice that Dr Murphy, who was one of the subconscious mind s greatest specialists, always advices his readers to relax deeply before they enter into a visualization state.
The third step is to LET GO...ALLOW THINGS to happen: HOW it will happen is none of your business. Go back to your daily routine and seriously, LET THE UNIVERSE TAKE CHARGE OF THIS!
Be happy, cultivate your garden of happiness and you will see things manifest in front of your eyes.
Finally ALWAYS, ALWAYS trust that the Universe will manifest AT THE RIGHT TIME!
Happy manifestation!
More tools can be found inUnwrap Your Present.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Friday, April 5, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: From granddad to grandson
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: From granddad to grandson: Tony Klingsdale was lying on his death bed. He had become an old man and at 85, his life was an example of success to many people in his ent...
From granddad to grandson
Tony Klingsdale was lying on his death bed. He had become an old man and at 85, his life was an example of success to many people in his entourage. He was admired for the great entrepreneur he had been and for the flourishing companies he owned.
Now that he had reached this point of no return where he perfectly knew he had only a few hours, maybe less to live, if he considered the huge pain he was feeling inside of his body that had been eaten up by constant sickness over the last few months, Tony knew he couldn’t actually cheat himself: he had his whole life in front of himself.
A whole life had vanished like a dream, in an instant, before he even realized it. He was about to leave and to go back to what believers called “home”. But he felt he wasn’t ready to leave. He felt frustrated. “It is over, he said to himself, quite bitter, and I have missed out everything!”
He had flashbacks of a few happy childhood memories, eating cherries with grandma and fishing near the lake with grandpa, back in the days…the painful memories were also emerging one after the other like cutting knives…he remembered the grudge he held against his brother who never paid his debts to him, his anger against a former girlfriend who became pregnant and then had an abortion of his child without even telling him. He remembered how he found out and how he slapped Melany.
He remembered his envies, his frustrations, his days of stress and imbalance. He remembered that he never managed to be satisfied. Either he was regretting that the past didn’t turn out the way he wanted to-either he was projecting himself into a future that never happened…” Oh what have I done of my life!”, he said,“ I missed the point”…He remembered the numerous hours he had spent being angry about a weather he obviously couldn’t change!
Of course,he was a rich and respected man. He looked prosperous-from the outside.
Family members were sitting next to his bed, making worried faces, knowing Tony was about to depart soon.
Then Tony asked to be left alone. He just asked his grandson, Tim, to stay beneath him.
Alone withTim, Tony felt too weak to speak. He showed Tim the little piece of paper and the pen that were lying on the desk. Tim understood that he should bring them to his granddad, which he did immediately.
Tony wrote something on the piece of paper, then folded it and put it into Tim s hand.
“Open it when I ll be gone” he said weakly…” boy, now please leave me alone…”
Tony felt an immense relief and he was immersed into a deep, eternal sleep quite instantly. He had gone to another world.
When Tim opened the piece of paper he read: “Unwrap Your Present, life is a gift.”
Make the best of your life-discover UnwrapyourPresent, by Isabelle Esling.
Unwrap your Present is available on Amazon, Hayden Kian Publishing, Lulu Com and Smashwords.
Copyright©by Isabelle Esling
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: YOU ARE THE WRITER OF YOUR STORY ( Unwrap Your Pre...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: YOU ARE THE WRITER OF YOUR STORY ( Unwrap Your Pre...: Dear readers, Today, I would like you to "unwrap your present" while reading this book exerpt of mine. Enjoy! YOU ARE THE W...
YOU ARE THE WRITER OF YOUR STORY ( Unwrap Your Present book exerpt)
Dear readers,
Today, I would like you to "unwrap your present" while reading this book exerpt of mine. Enjoy!
Imagine yourself into the shoes of a talented writer. A writer, is by definition an author, thus a creator. Now picture your life as a book. The book you are having in your hands is full of blank pages. Imagine you are having this immense power to create each day by filling each page with a story of your own. Write an interesting story for each day, put into your page as many details as you like. Use your imagination to invent a splendid day of your own, in which you are the main heroes. Now imagine you are receiving all you want: money, friends, good news, excellent health, joyful news are coming to you constantly. Every day is filled with magic. Your pen magically creates what suddenly becomes your reality.
Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Wouldn’t you enjoy to be fully capable to create the reality you want every single day?
Spiritually speaking, this huge power has been given to you. Just close your eyes for a few moments and imagine your ideal day, from the moment you are waking up to the moment you are going to sleep. Put as many details into your ideal days. Now take a piece of paper or open a WORD document on your computer and write your detailed ideal day. Feel it, live it, as if it was REAL while you are writing it. Read it. Feel all the emotions while going through each point of your wonderful day.
Close your eyes once again. Imagine your ideal day coming true.
How do you feel now? I bet this visualization exercise made you feel fantastic, fabulous. You probably felt as if you were new born!
I’d advise you to repeat this exercise every day. Fake it, until it becomes your reality. Mental rehearsal is the key.
How do I heal the past?
We are not all equal in terms of our past stories. Some people’s pasts are filled with good memories, while other people’s stories are full of hurtful events.
- First of all, particularly if your past recalls some painful memories, acknowledge that your past is PAST. It is OVER. There is nothing you can change about it. What is done, is done.. Whether you believe it or not, it needed to happen exactly that way. You needed to be the person you used to be in this precise moment of your past. So be kind to yourself, forgive yourself once for all. Everything that has happened in your life was necessary to allow you to become the person you are now.
- Ok, there are probably some episodes of your past you’d like to dismiss? Remember, you are now walking in the shoes of a writer-so just rewrite your past the way you’d like to see it. Erase the painful episodes, enlighten the beautiful and cheerful ones. Celebrate them! If you manage to focus on the positive episodes only, you have this incredible power to transform you own story into a fairy tale. It will help you feel good and keep a positive perspective.
- Another way to make your past work at your greatest advantage is to look back at the good episodes, the single out each detail that you consider as a blessing, and develop appreciation as you are going through each episode.
Now that you have been given the tool, you know how to modify your past and influence present and future. Think about all things you love, about your ultimate goal in life. Define precisely what you want. Relax and breathe deeply. Imagine that you now possess all the things you want. You are holding them in your hand. Feel it as the actual and factual truth.
This is a wonderful tool to allowing things to magically appear in your life.
Also, remember to take action when action is needed! Some people dream in terms of wishful thinking while they keep procrastinating when opportunities are knocking at the door.
Now take a minute to think about your life. Describe all the positive sides of your current life. Use only good adjectives (magical, fantastic, fascinating, great, etc…)
Use your affirmations in the present tense.
“ My life is magical, fantastic, great”
Celebrate what you just found out about your life!
How do I create my future?
A lot of people do worry about the future. Guess what? Their worries often come true, because they are based on sustained, constant thoughts. Worry adds to worry. The more you worry, the more worries you will get. Is that what you want?
I think that you’d like a brilliant future, like most of us. So what can you do instead of worrying?
The first thing is to do your best to appreciate your present circumstances. This is an important element that you need to take into consideration. Even if your present is not ideal, when you manage to get a sense of appreciation, you are allowing positive change to take place. Be content, think about listing your current blessings.
Second, by thinking about your future into the present tense, as if it was already accomplished, you are allowing your ideal future to take place. Imagine yourself hitting the jackpot, visualize the whole scene, feel the elation, celebrate the victory of your achievement in advance! Do as if, fake it as much as needed until you reach some concrete results.
Third, when you are acting in the direction of your dream, it will allow some change to take place. No matter how distant it might seem to you, take some small steps that will bring you closer to it.
Now ask yourself: “What type of action can bring me closer to my dream?”
“What is the first realistic step I could undertake RIGHT NOW?
No matter how little this step is, write it down, then DO it.
But do it now: not tomorrow, not next week. You have to act in the NOW to put things into MOTION. Tomorrow might be too late!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Friday, March 29, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Casey Rose interviews Isabelle Esling about " Unwr...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Casey Rose interviews Isabelle Esling about " Unwr...: 1.Why did you choose "Unwrap your present" that as the title of your book? -The idea of “ Unwrap your present” popped into my m...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Casey Rose interviews Isabelle Esling about " Unwr...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Casey Rose interviews Isabelle Esling about " Unwr...: 1.Why did you choose "Unwrap your present" that as the title of your book? -The idea of “ Unwrap your present” popped into my mi...
Casey Rose interviews Isabelle Esling about " Unwrap Your Present"
1.Why did you choose "Unwrap your present" that as the title of your book?
-The idea of “ Unwrap your present” popped into my mind , because I do consider life as a gift and I wanted to share this gift with anybody interested in living a fuller life.
2.What do people want to know most about your book?
- I think that they are curious to know about how they can develop more positivity. Unwrap your Present surely offers some answers and some concrete HELP.
3. What do people want to know most about you as an author?
Many people are curious to know why I choose to write about very different subjects and in three languages.
-I d like people to know that I love writing, that I am very electic and when I do write about a subject, I do it for my readers. I love sharing with the persons who read me. I do exist as a writer thanks to all the people who read me. My goal is to make my readers happy.
4. What do people want to know most about you as a person?
A lot of people are wondering how I manage to stay positive most of the time, how I keep smiling throughout the day.
- I am passionate, I love life, I am easy going and I am learning something new every day
5. About happiness you write: "you have to grab happiness like you catch the moment." Why is "present-time" so important to us?
Too often, people are prisoners of their past, holding grudges or regretting things they obviously cannot change-or they become very worried about their future. In fact, many people are just missing out their present. By being there, you can notice details . Details will make you aware of the little, unnoticed life blessing that surround you. It allows more gratitude to enter into your life
6. What desire did you have that compelled you to write this book?
I made this fantastic discovery of enjoying life to a fuller dimension, just by being present in my present and I would like to help more people enjoy the gift of life. Why do you think the present is called “present”? Because it is truly a gift!
7. What results do people get from reading your book?
I think that Unwrap Your Present will raise more awareness of the spiritual world among people. Some people may also wonder why the law of attraction doesn t work for them: I did my best to give them answers by developing more about spiritual laws.
My book is easy to read, as it is divided in little chapters, that can be studied, maybe one day after the other. I am sharing personal experiences that will help them understand that there is ALWAYS a WAY out of any apparent negative situation.
I also included simple meditation techniques.
I am having positive feedback from people who started reading it: they are enjoying the book structure and style. I have been told that the positive spirit in Unwrap your Present is very contagious!
8. What's the fastest, easiest way for someone to get your book?
Amazon is probably the fastest way to order the book. It is also available at Lulu Com, Hayden Kian Publishing and Smashwords Com ( for the e-book version)
9. What's the fastest, easiest way for someone to contact you?
Just drop me an email at
10. In closing, is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
I have four books out at the moment: the first one, in English language is a book on rap mogul Eminem. It is entitled “ Eminem and the Detroit Rap Scene- White Kid in a Black Music World”. My second release, as you know is Unwrap Your Present. I released a roman in French entitled “ Sous le Ciel de Paris”, Under the Sky of Paris, that will soon be available in English too, for the English speaking public.
My last release is a tribute to my grandma, a biography of her in German, entitled “ Liebe Oma”.
Casey Rose is a certified "Law of Attraction" trainer and speaker. Casey has appeared on many international radio programs and is very passionate about empowering others to attract "more of what they want and less of what they don't".
Where to contact Casey Rose:
Casey can be reached on Facebook using the name: caseyrose.alwayspositive
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How to overcome frustration when things don t work...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How to overcome frustration when things don t work...: Even if you are a very conscious creator of your reality, you must aknowledge that sometimes things don t really work out the way you want...
How to overcome frustration when things don t work out
Even if you are a very conscious creator of your reality, you must aknowledge that sometimes things don t really work out the way you wanted to. Our natural reaction is to become FRUSTRATED when we expected something great, for instance, and nothing happened-or worse, quite the opposit just manifested in your reality.
Don t deny your feeling of frustration, it will only make it worse. Be fully conscious about how you feel.
The trick, in such situations, ( I have been there too, my friends), is to shift your feelings after acknowledging them. If you are staying in a "frustration" mood, there are great chances for you to receive more frustrating circumstances in your life. Remember that the Universe ALWAYS tunes in with the SIGNAL you are emitting, so,logically you need to change this in order to receive something BETTER.
What can you do to shift your feelings quite immediately? The best way is to find, even the tiniest thing, you are feeling grateful for in your life and to FOCUS on it. If you are staying concentrated on feelings of gratefulness, feelings of frustration will vanish, because it is impossible to feel grateful and negatively minded at the same time!
What if you invested yourself in something and the results don t seem to show up right now?
Well this type of situation can anger, it is understandable. But anger won t resolve it. Anger will only drown you deeper into a sea of negative feelings!
I am very familiar with such kind of situations and I think that the RIGHT ATTITUDE can help you get out of it.
First thing to acknowledge is that if something is not happening now, it doesn t mean that it will never happen! Be patient. When you sow, you will reap IN TIME.
Second, maybe this is a clear sign that you should do things DIFFERENTLY. Analyse things and see if you could choose a DIFFERENT APPROACH.
Third, just sit back and RELAX. Breathe in, breathe out. Let all the negative emotions out. Visualize your FINAL GOAL as ACCOMPLISHED and give THANKS for it. Feel the relief.
More tips on handling difficult situations? You will find them in my Unwrap Your Present book.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Problem or challenge? Neither: opportunity!
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Problem or challenge? Neither: opportunity!: If you believe that you are the CREATOR of your life, you know that you have the POWER to give it the direction you want. Sometimes we ar...
Problem or challenge? Neither: opportunity!
If you believe that you are the CREATOR of your life, you know that you have the POWER to give it the direction you want.
Sometimes we are missing out opportunities because we are afraid of CHANGE and of the steps we need to take in order to REACH your ultimate GOAL.
If you start thinking : " oh wow, this is gonna be a problem!", you will become scared and multiply the apparent " problem" by 10. If you start thinking: " this is a challenge", you are expecting difficulties on their way: be sure they will show up, In that way I do disagree with many LOA gurus, challenge doesn t sound as a positive word in my opinion, as it implies the adjective DIFFICULT.
If I know look at my apparent " problem" and start saying:
"Wow this looks like a FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY to reach my goal", I am on the right path and I am even accelerating the materialization of my wish.
Remember, your thoughts become THINGS and your WORDS are vibrations that MATERIALIZE things.
So are you ready for the next OPPORTUNITY to arise in your life?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How do I attract ABUNDANCE in my life?
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How do I attract ABUNDANCE in my life?: I am becoming abundant by FEELING ABUNDANT. How can I FAVOR this type of feeling? The first thing is to keep your eyes OPEN and t...
How do I attract ABUNDANCE in my life?
I am becoming abundant by FEELING ABUNDANT.
How can I FAVOR this type of feeling?
The first thing is to keep your eyes OPEN and to NOTICE abundance all around you. List everything you can see: ABUNDANCE of sun, cars, fruit, smiles etc…whatever catches your eyes will give you an idea of abundance.
Second, how can you apply this in your personal life?
One of the best tips given to me came from Michael Losiers Law of Attraction book: journal your proofs of abundance daily.
Once you note them down, you can celebrate. If you can celebrate your abundance you are close to the frequency that attracts abundance…how EASY is that?
Generating this feeling of HAVING ENOUGH or MORE THAN ENOUGH depends from your life perspective. The truth is, we are all RECEIVING every single day. Sometimes we notice about it, and forget about it within the next second.
If you want to become ABUNDANT, you have to nurture the THOUGHTS OF ABUNDANCE: notice it and celebrate it!
I wish you all MORE THAN ENOUGH!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Forever Young
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Forever Young: It is funny how many people confuse youth with their civil age while some others think of plastic, botoxed faces of celebrities when the...
Forever Young
It is funny how many people confuse youth with their civil age while some others think of plastic, botoxed faces of celebrities when the subject of staying young and beautiful after 30 occurs in a conversations.
First let me tell you that your civil age has nothing to do with your physical reflection in the mirror. Second, being " plastic" is far from being beautiful and looking young, as far as I am concerned.
Today I d like to share a few secrets that most " ageless looking persons" understood.
First of all, you have to understand, that everything external-including your physical reflection- emanates from your internal vision.
So how do you feel about yourself when you look into the mirror? Do you like what you see? Do you see yourself as beautiful or are you rather critical about your face and your body? Are you afraid of aging? Have you been told that after 25 your body will be decreasing and that your face will become wrinkled?
The law of attraction teaches us that we are getting most of what we focus on. I choose to put my main focus on eternal a proof, I never use " anti-ageing products", I always create my own natural, pro- youth cosmetic...guess what: they work very well and I love the way I look.
I don t care what the rest of the world thinks: I love myself, I find myself beautiful and I compliment myself daily...and I am getting compliments on my looks, people never ever guess my real age.
The second secret is to have a balanced diet and to drink plenty of mineral water. Feed your body properly and your body will reward you. Green tea is also part of my daily diet!
The third secret is clothing: always dress how YOU feel, not after society s standards.
My fourth secret is to make the conscious choice of happiness. Being optimistic creates radiant faces.
My fifth secret is the daily practice of meditation. A calmed mind will also reflect on your face, and thus make you look so much younger.
Is it possible to reverse the clock? I do believe so.
Focus on eternal youth, be free of worry and enjoy life, this is one of the most powerful tips one could get!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, cons...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, cons...: A lot of people confuse optimists with vain day dreamers who lack a realistic approach of life- and usually when the word " realistic"...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, cons...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, cons...: A lot of people confuse optimists with vain day dreamers who lack a realistic approach of life- and usually when the word " realistic"...
Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, consciously and in front of the whole world
A lot of people confuse optimists with vain day dreamers who lack a realistic approach of life- and usually when the word " realistic" pops up into somebody s mouth, it has a negative, pessimistic connotation.
Well, let me tell you, I am very "realistic", I expect miracles every day and-guess what, they actually do happen!
First of all, I would like to clarify the notion of optimism. Yes, I always try to look at the bright side of life, even if my current circumstances are not exactly the way I would like them to be. I am a aware that many things can change in a heartbeat, so I keep being positive, no matter what.
I am a dreamer, yes , I truly am-but a conscious dreamer, who acts after a plan: every day I am taking baby steps in order to reach my ultimate goal. Being an optimist doesn t mean staying inactive, otherwise, how would you reap results?
To be honest, I am like all of you, I also have my ups and downs, my good and bad days...but in my moments of discouragement, I acknowledge my bad feelings like sadness and anger: then I let them go and start looking into a NEW directions. I always remember that if one thing doesn t work, another certainly will! The possibilities in front of you are always infinite and you surely haven t exhausted all of them yet!
So even when going through hardships, i remember that things are not always like they appear to be and i keep looking at the silver lining. Once pushed by the wind, clouds will disappear and leave place to the sun again.
I choose optimism and appreciation, because it brightens my keeps me happy and healthy.
When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is always that I am so lucky to breathe and have a brand new day at my disposition.
When tempted to dwell on a problem, always remember that any equation has its solution...stop worrying about the problem, look for the solution instead.
I also choose to be optimistic for all the people who surround me: so I can spread a message of joy around friends and family, wherever I go. I want to cheer people up and make them happy in my presence, because it definitely feels better!
So what is your choice?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Create a room for silence in noisy environnement
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Create a room for silence in noisy environnement: Too often, we seem to forget that we are the creators of our own universe. No matter what happens around us, no matter how noisy our en...
Create a room for silence in noisy environnement
Too often, we seem to forget that we are the creators of our own universe. No matter what happens around us, no matter how noisy our environment, there is always room for silence-if we allow ourselves to create this magical space.
Yesterday I was bothered by noisy and drunk neighbors and I was trying to find a way to meditate anyway...I knew that getting angry or complaining would barely help me. So I asked google and I was lucky enough to stumble across this fantastic article.
I then decided to ignore the noise around me: I closed my eyes and started breathing deeply. I went on during one whole minute to make sure I was calm and relaxed. I then started traveling and exploring the inside: I went into a deep meditative state where I could only hear my own breathing coming and going, like ocean waves.
I started experiencing a great state of wellness where only inner peace existed.
When I ended my meditation and opened my eyes again, the noise that was surrounding me has miraculously disappeared.
Discovering your inner self is the most interesting travel to experience: you can do it any time, anywhere.
All you have to do is to create your own room for silence. It actually works.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Monday, February 4, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Do you want to live a fuller life?
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Do you want to live a fuller life?: Do you want to live a fuller life? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be the happy-go-lucky type while others seems to...
Do you want to live a fuller life?
Do you want to live a
fuller life?
Have you ever wondered why
some people seem to be the happy-go-lucky type while others seems to be stuck
with problems and misfortune?
In fact it is all a matter
of mindset.
All of us have been
through childhood conditioning and most people unwillingly repeat what they
have been taught to be right. The trouble is, not all of their childhood
conditioning serves their best interest. Most people admit that they are
unhappy and dissatisfied with their current lives.
One major element that has
been a great part of childhood conditioning is FEAR( fear of being late, fear of failure, fear of
death etc.)
So removing unnecessary
fears from people’s lives is a great step forward. Unless you are in REAL
DANGER, you must understand that any other kind of fear is totally irrational.
So what can you do to
remove fear from your life?
You can develop confidence.
Develop your confidence by increasing your skills, whatever they are, and the
death of fear is certain.
Somebody recently raised
the following question: what is stronger fear or love?
Of course, love is
stronger because love is the most powerful power and fear is a mind projection
that is due to the absence of love. Of course, it is an illusion and it has no
power unless you allow it to take over.
Another great way to
remove your fears is to stop dwelling on negative episodes of your past and to
stop worrying about a potential future.
How do you do this? Simply
by living a fuller conscience of the momentum…my second book, Unwrap Your
Present, will help you with useful tips based on my own life experience,
meditation and visualization techniques.
I promise you a life changing read.
Change some destructive
habits that no longer serve you and start living a fuller life…NOW!
Order Unwrap Your Present
from Amazon
Your Author,
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Preserve nature, it is our most precious gift
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Preserve nature, it is our most precious gift: I am a very optimistic person and I love sharing my positive thoughts with all my contacts, as the day starts. But I d really like t...
Preserve nature, it is our most precious gift
I grew up in a tiny town Freyming-Merlebach, in France, near the German border, where people speak German and French, and a German dialect called "Platt".
I was very close to nature, and all produce we had was natural. We had no chemicals when we grew our vegetables, and yes there were worms in our apples, birds picked our cherries, spiders could be found in our gardens.
When I observe how fruit and vegetables are treated in London, processed with sugar, hard as stone, tasteless, seedless, I would really like to urge people to choose more ORGANIC products and to be very picky about
what they are eating. Remember, this food gets into your body!
Do you want to stay healthy? Watch your food!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How are you treating life?
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How are you treating life?: My friend Casey recently reminded me, by gently asking me " How are you treating life?" , that I am fully in charge of my own happiness. M...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How are you treating life?
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: How are you treating life?: My friend Casey recently reminded me, by gently asking me " How are you treating life?" , that I am fully in charge of my own happiness. M...
How are you treating life?
My friend Casey recently reminded me, by gently asking me " How are you treating life?" , that I am fully in charge of my own happiness.
Most people are used to consider themselves are victims: victims of their environment, victims of the circumstances, victims of their past. Most of them would enquire about " how life is treating" a fellow friend and the same person would also expect their friend to expose a list of complaints about how bad their life actually is.
Life is responding to you the way you treat it. When you display a good mood and happiness, life gives you much more of the same.
You are expecting a bright future, but your present is full of complaints..."the weather makes you feel angry, on Monday you are going to work, so this puts you down...oh, on Wednesday you have a day off, but it is so boring!"
Well dear friends, as long as you will be complaining and defining your days in a negative way, you will reap negative results!
Spiritual laws obey precise rules: only a happy, radiant and grateful heart will get more of the same. You are always getting what you are vibrating.
Everything might not be perfect at the moment and I can tell regarding my own example that my life is far from being perfect, but I am grateful with what I have...I feel happy to be alive, to have plenty of food to eat, to have a bunch of supportive and great friends, to have two lovely sons...start appreciating...and the rest will follow!
So, how are YOU trealing life?
Most people are used to consider themselves are victims: victims of their environment, victims of the circumstances, victims of their past. Most of them would enquire about " how life is treating" a fellow friend and the same person would also expect their friend to expose a list of complaints about how bad their life actually is.
Life is responding to you the way you treat it. When you display a good mood and happiness, life gives you much more of the same.
You are expecting a bright future, but your present is full of complaints..."the weather makes you feel angry, on Monday you are going to work, so this puts you down...oh, on Wednesday you have a day off, but it is so boring!"
Well dear friends, as long as you will be complaining and defining your days in a negative way, you will reap negative results!
Spiritual laws obey precise rules: only a happy, radiant and grateful heart will get more of the same. You are always getting what you are vibrating.
Everything might not be perfect at the moment and I can tell regarding my own example that my life is far from being perfect, but I am grateful with what I have...I feel happy to be alive, to have plenty of food to eat, to have a bunch of supportive and great friends, to have two lovely sons...start appreciating...and the rest will follow!
So, how are YOU trealing life?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Official Announcement
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Official Announcement: Are you interested in self-improvement and living life to a richer dimension? Through the exploration of mind and body, it will teach you to...
Official Announcement
Are you interested in self-improvement and living life to a richer dimension? Through the exploration of mind and body, it will teach you to explore and understand different techniques to reach inner stillness and joy to develop a conscience of momentum and to enjoy life to the fullest. Unwrap YOUR Present with Isabelle Esling! With-- Donna Ndtr and Dreamcatchers Missing Children.
Lauching of a new website. Check it out!
Lauching of a new website. Check it out!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap ...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap ...: Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap your present and life will be wonderful : Have you ever considered the present to be life ...
Rewriting your past
So many people are presently unhappy because they are dwelling too much on their past. In fact, it is not the fact of revisiting their past that makes them unhappy, it is living the same painful episodes over and over again. Instead of focusing on the beautfiul episodes of the past, most people can only remember what went wrong or who treated them badly.
I too have made this mistake for years. However, the experience of being a writer and starting stories from a blank page and turning them into a whole book have taught me that I am mereley the author of my own life story.
I have decided to erase the episodes of my past I don t like, using Paul Mc Kenna s amazing method: each time a painful past episode, whether of childhood or adulthood resurfaces, I simply reframe it. The frame becomes tinier and the image fades to grey until it totally disappears.
I have also decided to revisit some happy episodes, and reframe them as well, by increasing the size of my frame, the intensity of the colors and emotions.
When I revisit my own person as a child, I do realize now that everything might not have been perfect, but I had been given a lot. The law of attraction had provided me loving relatives, abundant food and loads of amazing friends! For that, I am eternally grateful.
By learning to re-evaluate your past, you are also changing your present and drawing a line of harmony towards your future.
Love your life story: it is the most amazing story ever told!
I too have made this mistake for years. However, the experience of being a writer and starting stories from a blank page and turning them into a whole book have taught me that I am mereley the author of my own life story.
I have decided to erase the episodes of my past I don t like, using Paul Mc Kenna s amazing method: each time a painful past episode, whether of childhood or adulthood resurfaces, I simply reframe it. The frame becomes tinier and the image fades to grey until it totally disappears.
I have also decided to revisit some happy episodes, and reframe them as well, by increasing the size of my frame, the intensity of the colors and emotions.
When I revisit my own person as a child, I do realize now that everything might not have been perfect, but I had been given a lot. The law of attraction had provided me loving relatives, abundant food and loads of amazing friends! For that, I am eternally grateful.
By learning to re-evaluate your past, you are also changing your present and drawing a line of harmony towards your future.
Love your life story: it is the most amazing story ever told!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap your present and life will be wonderful
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap your present and life will be wonderful: Have you ever considered the present to be life s most precious gift to you? Why do you think the „present „is called „ present“? ...
Unwrap your present and life will be wonderful
Have you ever considered the present to be life s
most precious gift to you?
Why do you think the „present „is called „
Simply because it is truly the Universe s most
precious gift to you. What we call the now, the momentum is all you ever have,
from your birth to your last day.
When you learn to focus on the momentum, you open
the path to true happiness. Your attention to the present allows you to unwrap
it with joy like a precious packet. You will notice all details and live a
fuller, joy-driven life.
Most people think that they are alive because
they are breathing, but, because they are either bitter about the past or
anxious about the future, they are missing the best part of life.
Start living now, for tomorrow is never promised!
I wrote Unwrap Your Present for all of you to
realize the beauty and the magic of life unfolding in front of your eyes. I
enriched my book with meditation and visualization techniques. I also shared my
personal experience with all of you.
Once you will start reading Unwrap your Present,
you will discover the secret of happy and joyful people. Your life will never
be the same!
Authors that inspire me
I am an avid reader of self-development books. I
learnt a lot from hypnotherapist Paul Mc Kenna and I am keen to learn more
about NLP.
If you are interested in the Law Of Attraction or
LOA, I highly recommend excellent expert author Michael Losier. His style is
simple and his tools easy to apply.
If you want to explore your subconscious mind,
read The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy
This is, of course, a non-exhaustive list of
authors .
What are you waiting for, dear readers? Unwrap
Your Present…NOW!
Copyright© Isabelle Esling
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap Your Present quotes: original quotes from m...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: Unwrap Your Present quotes: original quotes from m...: Dear readers, There are a few quotes from my book I would like to share with you...let me know how you feel about them...your opinion matt...
Unwrap Your Present quotes: original quotes from my book
Dear readers,
There are a few quotes from my book I would like to share with you...let me know how you feel about them...your opinion matters.
Your author,
Isabelle Esling
The answer is yes. You can be happy. But, in order to
reach that inner state of contentment and peace, you must get rid of some
inherited thinking patterns. You must start appreciating the moment."
There are a few quotes from my book I would like to share with you...let me know how you feel about them...your opinion matters.
Your author,
Isabelle Esling
are entitled to ask yourself: is there a place for happiness in this crazy
world I live in?
Isabelle Esling, Unwrap Your Present
are more powerful than other words: verbs are the MOTOR of your action. Verbs
put everything IN MOTION.
you want some interesting results to show up in your life, ALWAYS use verbs IN
real life, spiritual life always happen in the NOW. The NOW is all you have and
all you will ever have-for your entire life! So it would be judicious to make
an intelligent use of it. For instance, sentences like “I am totally healed
now” will lead to your total healing while sentences like “I stop being sick”
will maintain you into illness.
Isabelle Esling, Unwrap your Present
can change things now, just by changing your vision, your perspective of life.
You can start loving life NOW, start being happy NOW, because the present
belongs to you!
Isabelle Esling, Unwrap Your Present
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