Most people are used to consider themselves are victims: victims of their environment, victims of the circumstances, victims of their past. Most of them would enquire about " how life is treating" a fellow friend and the same person would also expect their friend to expose a list of complaints about how bad their life actually is.
Life is responding to you the way you treat it. When you display a good mood and happiness, life gives you much more of the same.
You are expecting a bright future, but your present is full of complaints..."the weather makes you feel angry, on Monday you are going to work, so this puts you down...oh, on Wednesday you have a day off, but it is so boring!"
Well dear friends, as long as you will be complaining and defining your days in a negative way, you will reap negative results!
Spiritual laws obey precise rules: only a happy, radiant and grateful heart will get more of the same. You are always getting what you are vibrating.
Everything might not be perfect at the moment and I can tell regarding my own example that my life is far from being perfect, but I am grateful with what I have...I feel happy to be alive, to have plenty of food to eat, to have a bunch of supportive and great friends, to have two lovely sons...start appreciating...and the rest will follow!
So, how are YOU trealing life?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
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