Friday, March 29, 2013

How to overcome frustration when things don t work out

Even if you are a very conscious creator of your reality, you must aknowledge that sometimes things don t really work out the way you wanted to. Our natural reaction is to become FRUSTRATED when we expected something great, for instance, and nothing happened-or worse, quite the opposit just manifested in your reality. Don t deny your feeling of frustration, it will only make it worse. Be fully conscious about how you feel. The trick, in such situations, ( I have been there too, my friends), is to shift your feelings after acknowledging them. If you are staying in a "frustration" mood, there are great chances for you to receive more frustrating circumstances in your life. Remember that the Universe ALWAYS tunes in with the SIGNAL you are emitting, so,logically you need to change this in order to receive something BETTER. What can you do to shift your feelings quite immediately? The best way is to find, even the tiniest thing, you are feeling grateful for in your life and to FOCUS on it. If you are staying concentrated on feelings of gratefulness, feelings of frustration will vanish, because it is impossible to feel grateful and negatively minded at the same time! What if you invested yourself in something and the results don t seem to show up right now? Well this type of situation can anger, it is understandable. But anger won t resolve it. Anger will only drown you deeper into a sea of negative feelings! I am very familiar with such kind of situations and I think that the RIGHT ATTITUDE can help you get out of it. First thing to acknowledge is that if something is not happening now, it doesn t mean that it will never happen! Be patient. When you sow, you will reap IN TIME. Second, maybe this is a clear sign that you should do things DIFFERENTLY. Analyse things and see if you could choose a DIFFERENT APPROACH. Third, just sit back and RELAX. Breathe in, breathe out. Let all the negative emotions out. Visualize your FINAL GOAL as ACCOMPLISHED and give THANKS for it. Feel the relief. More tips on handling difficult situations? You will find them in my Unwrap Your Present book. Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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