Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why I choose to be an optimist. deliberately, consciously and in front of the whole world

A lot of people confuse optimists with vain day dreamers who lack a realistic approach of life- and usually when the word " realistic" pops up into somebody s mouth, it has a negative, pessimistic connotation.

Well, let me tell you, I am very "realistic", I expect miracles every day and-guess what, they actually do happen!

First of all, I would like to clarify the notion of optimism. Yes, I always try to look at the bright side of life, even if my current circumstances are not exactly the way I would like them to be. I am a aware that many things can change in a heartbeat, so I keep being positive, no matter what.

I am a dreamer, yes , I truly am-but a conscious dreamer, who acts after a plan: every day I am taking baby steps in order to reach my ultimate goal. Being an optimist doesn t mean staying inactive, otherwise, how would you reap results?

To be honest, I am like all of you, I also have my ups and downs, my good and bad days...but in my moments of discouragement, I acknowledge my bad feelings like sadness and anger: then I let them go and start looking into a NEW directions. I always remember that if one thing doesn t work, another certainly will! The possibilities in front of you are always infinite and you surely haven t exhausted all of them yet!

So even when  going through hardships, i remember that things are not always like they appear to be and i keep looking at the silver lining. Once pushed by the wind, clouds will disappear and leave place to the sun again.

I choose optimism and appreciation, because it brightens my keeps me happy and healthy.
When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is always that I am so lucky to breathe and have a brand new day at my disposition.

When tempted to dwell on a problem, always remember that any equation has its solution...stop worrying about the problem, look for the solution instead.

I also choose to be optimistic for all the people who surround me: so I can spread a message of joy around friends and family, wherever I go. I want to cheer people up and make them happy in my presence, because it definitely feels better!

Optimism will keep you happy, it will boost your immune system and allow you to get some positive concrete results. You have everything to gain when you choose optimism as your lifestyle. There are no buts, no ifs, no excuses, make the right choice NOW!

So what is your choice?

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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