Sunday, February 24, 2013

Forever Young

It is funny how many people confuse youth with their civil age while some others think of plastic, botoxed faces of celebrities when the subject of staying young and beautiful after 30 occurs in a conversations.

First let me tell you that your civil age has nothing to do with your physical reflection in the mirror. Second, being " plastic" is far from being beautiful and looking young, as far as I am concerned.

Today I d like to share a few secrets that most " ageless looking persons" understood.

First of all, you have to understand, that everything external-including your physical reflection- emanates from your internal vision.

So how do you feel about yourself when you look into the mirror? Do you like what you see? Do you see yourself as beautiful or are you rather critical about your face and your body? Are you afraid of aging? Have you been told that after 25 your body will be decreasing and that your face will become wrinkled?

The law of attraction teaches us that we are getting most of what we focus on. I choose to put my main focus on eternal a proof, I never use " anti-ageing products", I always create my own natural, pro- youth cosmetic...guess what: they work very well and I love the way I look.

I don t care what the rest of the world thinks: I love myself, I find myself beautiful and I compliment myself daily...and I am getting compliments on my looks, people never ever guess my real age.

The second secret is to have a balanced diet and to drink plenty of mineral water. Feed your body properly and your body will reward you. Green tea is also part of my daily diet!

The third secret is clothing: always dress how YOU feel, not after society s standards.

My fourth secret is to make the conscious choice of happiness. Being optimistic creates radiant faces.

My fifth secret is the daily practice of meditation. A calmed mind will also reflect on your face, and thus make you look so much younger.

Is it possible to reverse the clock? I do believe so.

Focus on eternal youth, be free of worry and enjoy life, this is one of the most powerful tips one could get!

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

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