Friday, April 5, 2013

From granddad to grandson

Tony Klingsdale was lying on his death bed. He had become an old man and at 85, his life was an example of success to many people in his entourage. He was admired for the great entrepreneur he had been and for the flourishing companies he owned. Now that he had reached this point of no return where he perfectly knew he had only a few hours, maybe less to live, if he considered the huge pain he was feeling inside of his body that had been eaten up by constant sickness over the last few months, Tony knew he couldn’t actually cheat himself: he had his whole life in front of himself. A whole life had vanished like a dream, in an instant, before he even realized it. He was about to leave and to go back to what believers called “home”. But he felt he wasn’t ready to leave. He felt frustrated. “It is over, he said to himself, quite bitter, and I have missed out everything!” He had flashbacks of a few happy childhood memories, eating cherries with grandma and fishing near the lake with grandpa, back in the days…the painful memories were also emerging one after the other like cutting knives…he remembered the grudge he held against his brother who never paid his debts to him, his anger against a former girlfriend who became pregnant and then had an abortion of his child without even telling him. He remembered how he found out and how he slapped Melany. He remembered his envies, his frustrations, his days of stress and imbalance. He remembered that he never managed to be satisfied. Either he was regretting that the past didn’t turn out the way he wanted to-either he was projecting himself into a future that never happened…” Oh what have I done of my life!”, he said,“ I missed the point”…He remembered the numerous hours he had spent being angry about a weather he obviously couldn’t change! Of course,he was a rich and respected man. He looked prosperous-from the outside. Family members were sitting next to his bed, making worried faces, knowing Tony was about to depart soon. Then Tony asked to be left alone. He just asked his grandson, Tim, to stay beneath him. Alone withTim, Tony felt too weak to speak. He showed Tim the little piece of paper and the pen that were lying on the desk. Tim understood that he should bring them to his granddad, which he did immediately. Tony wrote something on the piece of paper, then folded it and put it into Tim s hand. “Open it when I ll be gone” he said weakly…” boy, now please leave me alone…” Tony felt an immense relief and he was immersed into a deep, eternal sleep quite instantly. He had gone to another world. When Tim opened the piece of paper he read: “Unwrap Your Present, life is a gift.” Make the best of your life-discover UnwrapyourPresent, by Isabelle Esling. Unwrap your Present is available on Amazon, Hayden Kian Publishing, Lulu Com and Smashwords. Copyright©by Isabelle Esling

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