Friday, March 30, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE LAW OF NON RESISTANCE
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE LAW OF NON RESISTANCE: When the Secret movie and book were released, a lot of people rediscovered the law of attraction. Many of them were very enthusiastic. H...
When the Secret movie and book were released, a lot of people rediscovered the law of attraction. Many of them were very enthusiastic. However, a lot of people are having huge difficulties with the law of attraction. Despite their great will in applying the principles decribed in The Secret, they are not getting the results they want. They end up disappointed and begin to believe that the law of attraction doesn't exist.
Well, the law od attraction is one of the numerous laws of the Universe. It is only one of them. If you are trying to applying the LOA ( law of attraction) and you are neglecting some other crucial laws, then you will fail miserably.
One universal law is barely mentioned, but it is very important, especially if there are obstacles coming on your way: it is the law of non-resistance.
As long as you are resisting, you are creating more difficult circumstances around you. The law of non-resistance has to do with allowing, fulling accepting the NOW ( as it is), and letting go.
In short, by applying the law of non resistance, you are declaring to the Universe that you are willing to embrace ANY kind of experience that will come on your path. You simply surrender. appreciate and look at what is right in your picture. By doing this, you are allowing the Universe to do its work.
You still have your desire, but you are detached from the outcome, which will allow it to happen even faster.
The more you will surrender, the greater the benefits you will reap!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Monday, March 26, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: CREATE A MAGNIFICENT MAGIC MANIFESTATION MONDAY: Now that spring time is there, it is getting really easy to get up early in the morning. This is wonderful: it allows you to be the wi...
Being alive is a gift. Being able to start the day in good condition, being in good health are all numerous presents we truly must become aware of.
So how do I create a special Monday today? How will I keep manifesting good things during the whole day?
One trick in manifesting good things is appreciation. When you start appreciating little things from the moment you awake till you go to bed, you are increasing your vibes. Appreciation goes along with joy and good feelings.
Even when things don't look the way you would like them to be, keep appreciating things mentally. Even the appreciation of the tiniest things can change your day.
When I woke up this morning, at 6:30 pm, I knew that this Monday would be extraordinary.
All ingredients were there: a Sunny day, birds singing in the trees, a nice morning walk in the early freshness, lovely neighbors, so many good things to love and to appreciate!
I received good news too. Things changed unexpectedly around me, as I became more and more appreciative.
Increase your appreciation, enjoy your manifestation!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO: " Do what you love and love what you do" is a golden rule that we should apply in our lives if we want to experience a rewarding and f...
" Do what you love and love what you do" is a golden rule that we should apply in our lives if we want to experience a rewarding and fulfilling life.
However, to do what you love, you must know what exactly what you love doing.
It might sound strange, but a lot of people have very vague ideas of their true purpose in life.
The best way to find out is always to question yourself: " what do I like?"
Try to list at least 20 things that you truly like doing. If you are still having difficulties in making a specific choice, simply chill. Close your eyes and go back to your early childhood. simply recall what you liked doing as a tiny child. You will be surprised at the precise answers you will get.
All the answers you need are INSIDE of you. All you have to do is to look for them.
Once you found your true purpose in life ( mine is writing), you will be able to develop your gift.
We all have natural inherited gifts. Once we start focusing on our gifts and developing, we become conscious of our true worth. This new gained confidence will open the gates of recognition, success and wealth for you. Just go with the flow, the rest will follow!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Friday, March 23, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: YOUR REACTION DETERMINES THE OUTCOME
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: YOUR REACTION DETERMINES THE OUTCOME: Sometimes things don't work out the way we expected them to. That's normal, that's the way life is. However, as long as you bare in...
Sometimes things don't work out the way we expected them to. That's normal, that's the way life is.
However, as long as you bare in mind that your reaction, to events, calls, persons determines the outcome of ANY situation, you will be in control.
Yesterday, I was dealing with a letter that didn't really please me. My reaction to it was negative at first. Then I realized that this was just a letter. It was neutral. It had no power on me unless I gave it some power. So before I managed to create a set of positive feelings again, I started regarding at this unwanted letter as NEUTRAL. "You are neutral, your content is neutral and you have no power to harm me in any way. I choose to consider you as neutral news."
I started to feel better immediately.
Then, as I wanted to go back to positive vibes, I started looking at what was right in the picture-with these (unwanted news). I listed ALL THE POSITIVE POINTS in my current situation and started to feel better immmediately.
When things don't take the direction you want them to, always remember that there are some good experiences on your unexpected path...a lot of things happen for a hidden reason...rejoice, it dissolves all negativity.
Wanted or unwanted, experience is part of your spiritual learning process. You become fuller, richer and happier when you choose to embrace each experience- no matter how it looks like in appearance.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE BENEFITS OF SILENCE
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE BENEFITS OF SILENCE: Especially in our Western societies and cultures, most people are surrounded with noises of all kinds. Our external and internal worl...
Especially in our Western societies and cultures, most people are surrounded with noises of all kinds.
Our external and internal worlds are composed of parasite noises that are preventing us from developing mind clarity. Loud music coming from shopping centers are hammering into our heads, people are shouting a lot, especially in big cities, where traffic makes words barely understandable.
In short, we are used to noise. We are so much used to noise that we find it normal. In addition, we are filling ourselves with loads of self-talks. It looks like most of us never shut up.
Silence scares most people, because it represents the unknown. Being silent forces you to look inside of you. If you don't like your own company, it might look scary to try silence.
A lot of people are so much afraid of silence, that they need to put on loud music or they turn on their TV in order to feel reassured, yet this is a bad habit. When you are turning on your TV and listening to your TV passively, whatever is said goes into your subconscious mind.
All over the years, I have seen a lot of people complain that they were praying to God, but didn't get any answer. Well, maybe it is because you are talking to much. Imagine you are on the phone with God. You keep speaking, speaking without letting Him one second to reply...are you still wondering why you don't manage to get any answer.
Prayer is good. Meditation is better. You don't need to know any special postures: just make sure your body is comfortable, whether you are sitting or lying down. I made meditation a daily habit and I am reaping the full benefits of it. I do it as a daily practice. I simply lay down on my bed, stopping all activities. I start relaxing, breathing in and out, listening to my own breathing.
I like being present in that silent moment that allows me to explore the abyssal depths of my own being. During these 10 minutes, I am ONE with the Universe. There is no place for worries, nor anything else but nothingness. I am enjoying this state of nothingness that gives me calm, mind clarity and makes me feel happy. I AM during this period, I simply AM. My ears expand to catch the beauty of the silence that opens up path of infinite wonders.
Silence is wonderful. Silence is reassuring, when you are making the habit of taming it.
I allow the silence to be part of my whole being, which results in more calm and mind clarity in my daily life.
Open your ear to the sound of silence!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: WHEN THINGS GO WRONG...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: WHEN THINGS GO WRONG...: Usually, when things don't go the way people envision them, their natural reaction is to react with fear or anger. Honestly nobody likes ...
Usually, when things don't go the way people envision them, their natural reaction is to react with fear or anger. Honestly nobody likes unknown situations. We are tempted to react with fear when faced with an unexpected event that seems to challenge us. Some people call this reaction "instinct of conservation".
However, spiritually speaking what you resist persists. If you really fear a situation, you will create a vicious spiralling storm around your harmless situation.
You ought to remember that your reaction ALWAYS determines the final outcome of ANY situation you might be facing.
So when you are facing the unknown or a situation that seems unpleasant in appearance, go opposite in your mind. Do it immediately.
First you need to find a way to calm down. Do some deep breathing exercises. Try to visualize the outstanding outcome you'd wish for your situation. Thank the Universe for the outstanding outcome you are expecting. Also, list all the positive points in your current situation, which will help you keep a positive perspective.
You are the CREATOR of your own LUCK. Project some luck and lucky circumstances will start showing up in your life. isn't that brilliantly magic?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: LET EVERY SINGLE DAY BE YOUR BIRTHDAY
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: LET EVERY SINGLE DAY BE YOUR BIRTHDAY: I celebrated my birthday last Wednesday and I had such a great time that I really wished that every single day of my life could be my b...
I celebrated my birthday last Wednesday and I had such a great time that I really wished that every single day of my life could be my birthday. When I recall the festive atmosphere, the joy, sharing and laughing with friends and family, I really felt BRILLIANT. Yes, B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!
I felt so much abundant, I had been given so much. My heart was filled with joy.
When you think about it, every single day is an amazing chance to feel amazingly brilliant.
All you have to do is to remember the magic of life.
How do I remember the magic of life? Well, there is a recipe that always works.
When you first wake up, begin your day with being thankful. Some may ask: "what is there to be thankful about, this is just an ordinary day like all others!"
There is indeed a lot to be thankful about. Another day has been granted to you: you are alive! Being alive in itself is one of God's most lovely present to you. This is a good reason to begin your day by filling your heart with a sparkling cup of joy, good will and some random acts of kindness.
When you are determined to have a great day, the whole Universe will conspire to make it a great day!
It is all up to you to keep up the good spirit until you go to bed.
While enjoying being at home, why not put on your favorite song and dance along?
Joy is yours, A brilliant day is coming ahead, spice it up! It is all up to you.
Unwrap the gift of for the day, love and appreciate each moment, enjoy its flavor like you'd eat a fine tasting bread.
Ready for an outstanding day? I gave you one of my favorite recipes, now it is all up to you.
Have a brilliant day!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: IMPROVE YOUR SKIN BY VISUALIZING YOUR FAVORITE LOC...
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: IMPROVE YOUR SKIN BY VISUALIZING YOUR FAVORITE LOC...: I was really astonished when I discovered that Charlotte Vohtz, in her skin care book, advised people to visualize one of their favorite spots in order...
I was really astonished when I discovered that Charlotte Vohtz, in her skin care book, advised people to visualize one of their favorite spots in order to improve the beauty of their skin.
Yet, by following her advice, I noticed some positive effects on my skin. You might wonder: " what is the link between having a beautiful, bright and shiny skin and my favorite town or location?"
One must realize that our body and our spiritual world are intertwined.
When you are visualizing yourself in places you really heart, your facial muscles are relaxing. Your whole body is emitting a positive signal and releases some happiness hormones, known as endorphin's.
When I start visualizing Paris, which is my favorite spot, I feel good instantly. When I look at myself in the mirror afterwards, I look more relaxed. My face is indeed brighter. This effect is increased by the huge smile I see on my lips.
Try this will only cost you 60 seconds of your time. it really works!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE POWER OF GRATITUDE
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THE POWER OF GRATITUDE: Too often, we are taking life's most simple gifts for granted. For many of us, we only realize their worth once we are deprived of them...
Too often, we are taking life's most simple gifts for granted. For many of us, we only realize their worth once we are deprived of them.
A lot of basic things allow us to live a comfortable life and we don't even realize it! We have been given much more than we really know.
Running tap water, for instance, allows us to wash our bodies and hair. It allows us to use our toilets properly. It also allows us to cook and to drink as many hot beverages as we'd like.
Once our water company cuts the water for one day, we suddenly realize how much precious one single drop is. We must also realize that in many Third World countries, a lot of people don't even benefit from running tap water.
I have been there too...I used to complain a lot, about many things that didn't seem right. The more I was complaining, the worse things were becoming! I was literally making myself unhappy.
When you are complaining, you are depriving you of the Universe's abundant supply.
The same goes for human relationships. Never ever take any friendship for granted. Be appreciative of your friends to the fullest. Do something to make your relationship florish by your kindness, your comprehension and your spiritual or material gifts. Make the other person feel that he or she is truly special to you.
When you appreciate life's humblest things, you are opening the gates of abundance.
Why not make the RIGHT choice from now on?
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: WORDS ARE AN EXPRESSION OF POWER
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: WORDS ARE AN EXPRESSION OF POWER: Most people probably don't realize it, but words are very powerful. They can indeed influence our destiny. In Hebrew language, the root...
Most people probably don't realize it, but words are very powerful. They can indeed influence our destiny. In Hebrew language, the root of the verb דבר, which means "to speak" is made of the same letters ( daleth, beth, resh) than the word "thing".
When you think about it, you have the same word for the act of speaking and for a thing, an object.
That's why people should use their words wisely. With the same letters that compose our alphabet, you can either demean, destroy, annihilate, or bless, heal and create some real magic.
You must also be aware that the words you speak out of your mouth will eventually come back to you after they reached their target.
If you are saying good things about persons, good things will return to you multiplied. You will feel good, as you will reap the blessings of your kind words.
Make the right choice. It begins with monitoring your thoughts. Every day, you have this fantastic choice to say something positive about something or someone!
This good habit will indeed change your life tremendously if you stick to it.
Words become matter.
Start enjoying the power of positive speech from now on!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THANK YOU, RHONDA BYRNE
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: THANK YOU, RHONDA BYRNE: I bought Rhonda Byrne's third book, The Magic, yesterday. I am currently in the process of reading it. I read the Secret and the Power ...
I bought Rhonda Byrne's third book, The Magic, yesterday. I am currently in the process of reading it.
I read the Secret and the Power book as well. Today I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the author. Not that Rhonda has invented something special, because the spiritual laws she is talking about have existed since ancient times, as she humbly states it in her books. You will find the law of attraction principles in the Torah, the New Testament, in the Holy Koran and many other spiritual books. The eminent Dr Murphy talks about it when he unveils the way our subconscious mind works.
But Rhonda has her special way of wording it. I like the way she does it. From the high caliber graduate to the worker who didn't necessarily access education, everybody can understand and apply the spiritual laws she is talking about. She manages to raise interest from her reader and her books are truly life-changing books. She allows the reader to understand that the Universe resides inside of him and that there are infinite possibilities to create a magical life, if only you realize that you are the MAGICIAN. You have the power. All you have to do is to develop a positive attitude of gratitude to change your life tremendously.
When the Secret book and movie came out, Rhonda faced some severe criticism from some opponents, because they thought that the Secret was only about materialistic possessions and money. But the truth is, the Secret will grant you spiritual, material abundance, and perfect health once you will be in total alignment with the Universe.
I am working towards it.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you, dear Rhonda, I am truly blessed to have your books!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: UNWRAP YOUR PRESENT
Isabelle Esling's Blog About Spirituality: UNWRAP YOUR PRESENT: Have you ever considered your life as a gift? Or have you been too busy complaining, nagging and finding fault in other people? A lot ...
Have you ever considered your life as a gift? Or have you been too busy complaining, nagging and finding fault in other people?
A lot of people are dissafisfied with their current lives, because they spend a lot of time thinking about past failures while worrying about a future that doesn't even exist...this is definitely not a good attitude towards life. Complaints and worries will lead you to lack and poverty.
Things really change once you discover the PRESENT.
What is the present? The present is the Universe's gift to you! The present is simply the momentum.
Once you learn to fully live in the momentum, you are reaping the full rewards of it.
So how do I learn to be in the present? Simply by fully concentrating on what you are doing NOW.
The NOW is the most important moment of your life, because this is truly all you possess and all you will ever have. You cannot change your past: good or bad, it is gone.
So why not keep the good memories and burn the sad ones that don't serve you?
What about the future? The future is not there yet...worries have never helped anybody to construct a good future. All you can do about the future is to have a vision of what you want in the present and conjugate it in the present tense, because all your mind knows and recognizes as true is THE PRESENT.
How do I enjoy the present? By getting a sense of appreciation. Even if not everything is perfect, of the way you'd like it to be, look at what is RIGHT in your picture. Appreciation will allow you to develop an attitude of gratitude.
Also be fully concentrated in what you are doing in the PRESENT. While I am writing this article, I am fully into it, doing my best to use the right words to make it enjoyable for all of you. I am appreciating the act of writing NOW.
Unwrap your present, seize your momentum. Life is meant to be magic, if you conjugate it in the right tense: THE PRESENT!
Open your gift NOW. Reap your blessings!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I watched a captivating report on British Channel 4 on Saturday evening. It was about a theoretical scientist named Aubrey, a former Cambridge computer expert and biologist who has his own theory about defeating death.
According to Aubrey, immortality could possibly be reached by mankind if we took time to replace slight parts of our damaged body cells and replace them by healthy cells...I do simplify his theory on purpose, because I am not a scientist and I don t have any knowledge of Aubrey s predilection field.
For the same reasons previously mentioned above, I think that I won t enter the debate whether Aubrey is right, wrong, or simply a demented man. Honestly, I don t know and I will reserve my judgment for the moment.
Simply I would like to point out that true geniuses are often held for fools, because the great masses of people are often satisfied with mediocrity.
Each century needs its dreamers and visionaries, because people of exception are the ones who really make the world move and progress.
Don t get me wrong. I am not saying that Aubrey is one of them...I d just like to point out that people with outrageous dreams are often the most misunderstood in our society, because they have crazier and mightier visions that the average citizen.
Now I d like to address to each of my readers: if you could live for ever, would you make a clear choice in favor of immortality?
I think I would. Why? Because human life is too short and I would like to achieve as many goals as possible and once I d accomplish all of them, find new challenges.
I would like to make a difference in this world and make some positive contributions in my field of predilection: music journalism.
I think I would never have enough artists to review: there are always new sounds to discover and to describe, and plenty of amazing artists to interview.
I would like to live life as long as possible, in the best health conditions, and see what will happen in 150 years, for instance.
However, for the time being, it looks like immortality, mankind s oldest dream, belongs to the world of utopia.
It is much more reasonable and realistic to acknowledge that death is certain- unless an eccentric scientist comes up with a refreshing idea of fountain of eternity, challenging our certainty- at least within a heartbeat.
A more realistic and reachable goal is anti-aging, even though the media spread some big misconceptions about it. No need to buy expensive creams and make up, no need to take any special treatment.
The best way to defy anti aging (and I know scientists will agree with my theory) is to exercise as often as possible, to eat less and to privilege healthy food. Another factor, though, comes into play: it is your genes. You cannot change the genetic factor, but you can act on the previous factors mentioned above.
Why not try to achieve this realistic goal before thinking about eternal life?
Isn't it dangerous in the end to try to play God?
Hopefully, the future will bring us a realistic answer to that great metaphysical question.
Copyright© 2007 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
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Breaking vicious circles
This article will give you some insight-from a spiritual perspective-about real life situations some of us might have experienced or still experience.
Sometimes we find ourselves trapped into a situation in which there seems to be no escape. Whatever we do, no matter how hard we try, nothing seems to improve nor change our situation.
It looks like we reached a point that excludes any return to a better anterior situation and any chance to advance for the future.
We begin to mumble, hating our lives, blaming any person possible on our way, we actually do spend a lot of energy in trying to escape from our psychological inferno by any means without managing to get out of it.
We feel cursed, depressed, because each time we are trying to go forward, some new element seems to push us backwards.
We just entered the terrible world of vicious circles: once you enter it, there seems to be no way out.
In fact, a person who is aware of spiritual laws would probably know that even if the appearances are against us, nothing is really lost.
That’s also one good reason to tell the external world everything is all right even if our world seems to collapse- at least in appearance.
A person who entered a vicious circle is indeed trapped. But only in his/ her thoughts. The internal inferno makes this person feel locked up and the more he/ she will ruminate the same thoughts, his/ her circumstances are quite unlikely to change. Why? Because thoughts have a major influence on the circumstances of our lives.
Not only does positive thinking keep you in good health, it also prevents you from many disasters. I am not telling you to be naïve , blinded and to envision everything through pink glasses, that would be a rather sectarian and brainwashed view on life. There are situations, of course, that are independent of our will and that can cause us pain and grief.
The thing is, we need a spiritual approach on life issues. I mean: there is no problem that cannot be solved, even if you don t see the solution right now.
You feel trapped in a situation that seems to be outta control? All right.
Stop your lamentations. Stop thinking as if you were running into the same circle. Yes, refuse to do so.
This is the first step. Stop thinking in the same negative way. Refuse to do so, for your own sake!
Then keep quiet. Try to find out how and why you came to this tricky point. Don’t try to put the fault on other people: envision your mistakes and failures with realism and objectivity. The perfect conscience of how and why you did it wrong will help you to go forward.
Be humble and accept to learn from your mistakes. Then you will be able to see if you can change anything to your current situation.
Either you will find a solution (even a temporary solution) or you will realize you cannot change anything to your current situation.
If you cannot change the situation, don’t get mad or angry: rather accept what you cannot change.
Just visualize, day after day, what you really wish from your profound heart and believe it. Have faith.
If you are patient, you will soon see an unexpected change to your situation, because the way you envision things is also the salvation that helps you out of the trap that kept you from advancing.
Next time you feel mentally trapped through an unpleasant situation, bare in mind that there is always a way out, as long as you keep having faith.
Copyright© 2007 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
When I grew up as a little child, I thought that most of my happiness depended on external objects such as teddy bears or other kind of possessions. As an adult, and although I explored and tried to focus on spirituality a lot, I thought that person and external events were responsible of my happiness. When I felt unhappy for whatever reason, I used to blame it on different persons or on my personal circumstances…Little did I know about happiness by then…I actually had to go a long way and take a trip to my inner self to eventually realize that whoever is trying to chase happiness won’t find it at all.
But let me share a great secret with all of you: if there is no way to happiness, it is simply because happiness is the one and only way!
My point is, you have to make the decision to be happy first, as you are in charge of your own happiness. If you must make this decision to see some good changes in your life, it clearly means that you must be willing to change the way you think and get rid of the ” garbage thoughts” that don’t serve you (like complaints), you will find happiness everywhere. You will see it in your neighbor’s eye, it will be reflected in the waterm in a bird’s song, it will become a genuine part of yourself,
Goethe, one of Germany’s greatest poets and thinkers used to say: ” Weisst du worin der Spass des Lebens liegt? Sei lustig! Geht das nicht, so sei vergnuegt”
( Do you know where the fun of life lies? Be happy! If this doesn’t work, then be delighted).
If we take Goethe’s advice seriouslyand start being happy, regardless of any external circumstances, then we will get some real insight about the true beauty of life.
Every morning, when you wake up, make a committment to yourself: ” I choose to be happy” and stick to it during the day.
Some people would object that genetically we are not equal regarding happiness, that some people have happy genes while some others don’t. Personally, I’d strongly disagree. I consider that anybody can be happy. While I admit that some people might have it easier with their happy go lucky mindset that goes back to childhood conditioning, it is up to any of us to make the right choice.
You choose your attitude towards life freely. If you think that life is easy and that you are indeed happy, life will bring good things to you. Begin with appreciation. Appreciate each thing, list all good things you have, you will be amazed to discover how much you have been granted.
Life is all about chosing the right path. If you allow youself to focus on the good instead of the bad, you will see many blessing appear into your life.
Have fun, don’t worry, seize the day and begin to be happy once for all!
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved
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