Friday, March 30, 2012


When the Secret movie and book were released, a lot of people rediscovered the law of attraction. Many of them were very enthusiastic. However, a lot of people are having huge difficulties with the law of attraction. Despite their great will in applying the principles decribed in The Secret, they are not getting the results they want. They end up disappointed and begin to believe that the law of attraction doesn't exist.

Well, the law od attraction is one of the numerous laws of the Universe. It is only one of them. If you are trying to applying the LOA ( law of attraction) and you are neglecting some other crucial laws, then you will fail miserably.

One universal law is barely mentioned, but it is very important, especially if there are obstacles coming on your way: it is the law of non-resistance.
As long as you are resisting, you are creating more difficult circumstances around you. The law of non-resistance has to do with allowing, fulling accepting the NOW ( as it is), and letting go.

In short, by applying the law of non resistance, you are declaring to the Universe that you are willing to embrace ANY kind of experience that will come on your path. You simply surrender. appreciate and look at what is right in your picture. By doing this, you are allowing the Universe to do its work.
You still have your desire, but you are detached from the outcome, which will allow it to happen even faster.

The more you will surrender, the greater the benefits you will reap!

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

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