Sunday, March 11, 2012


Too often, we are taking life's most simple gifts for granted. For many of us, we only realize their worth once we are deprived of them.
A lot of basic things allow us to live a comfortable life and we don't even realize it! We have been given much more than we really know.

Running tap water, for instance, allows us to wash our bodies and hair. It allows us to use our toilets properly. It also allows us to cook and to drink as many hot beverages as we'd like.
Once our water company cuts the water for one day, we suddenly realize how much precious one single drop is. We must also realize that in many Third World countries, a lot of people don't even benefit from running tap water.

I have been there too...I used to complain a lot, about many things that didn't seem right. The more I was complaining, the worse things were becoming! I was literally making myself unhappy.

When you are complaining, you are depriving you of the Universe's abundant supply.

The same goes for human relationships. Never ever take any friendship for granted. Be appreciative of your friends to the fullest. Do something to make your relationship florish by your kindness, your comprehension and your spiritual or material gifts. Make the other person feel that he or she is truly special to you.

When you appreciate life's humblest things, you are opening the gates of abundance.

Why not make the RIGHT choice from now on?

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

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