Saturday, March 17, 2012


I celebrated my birthday last Wednesday and I had such a great time that I really wished that every single day of my life could be my birthday. When I recall the festive atmosphere, the joy, sharing and laughing with friends and family, I really felt BRILLIANT. Yes, B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!
I felt so much abundant, I had been given so much. My heart was filled with joy.

When you think about it, every single day is an amazing chance to feel amazingly brilliant.
All you have to do is to remember the magic of life.

How do I remember the magic of life? Well, there is a recipe that always works.

When you first wake up, begin your day with being thankful. Some may ask: "what is there to be thankful about, this is just an ordinary day like all others!"

There is indeed a lot to be thankful about. Another day has been granted to you: you are alive! Being alive in itself is one of God's most lovely present to you. This is a good reason to begin your day by filling your heart with a sparkling cup of joy, good will and some random acts of kindness.

When you are determined to have a great day, the whole Universe will conspire to make it a great day!

It is all up to you to keep up the good spirit until you go to bed.

While enjoying being at home, why not put on your favorite song and dance along?

Joy is yours, A brilliant day is coming ahead, spice it up! It is all up to you.

Unwrap the gift of for the day, love and appreciate each moment, enjoy its flavor like you'd eat a fine tasting bread.

Ready for an outstanding day? I gave you one of my favorite recipes, now it is all up to you.

Have a brilliant day!

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

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