Monday, November 26, 2012

Hayden Kian is releasing Unwrap Your Present, by Isabelle Esling

Hayden Kian Publishing House has just announced the release of Isabelle Esling's, "Unwrap Your Present." This is the second release for the French born - London based author Isabelle Esling.
Isabelle has spent the last decade as a music journalist and an Eminem biographer. In July 2012, she published her first book, Eminem and The Detroit Rap Scene - White Kid in a Black Music World with Amber Books and Colossus Books.
The 170-page volume, traces not only the Detroit rapper Eminem’s multi-platinum career but it also focuses on his roots, the Detroit rap scene, his friendship with Big Proof, as well as other associations with underground rappers such as Kaos, Mystro, Awesome Dre, Joe to the D and more. The book chronicles Eminem’s acceptance in a scene and the influence it had on his musical evolution.
Unwrap Your Present is a self-help book that allows people to release stressful and negative thoughts through a better conscience of the NOW.
Isabelle, a very spiritual woman, penned this book off personal experiences, meditation and visualization techniques that she has personally used in her own life to become the strong, independent and successful woman she is today. Isabelle's aim is to allow the reader to develop a conscience of the momentum and to enjoy life to the fullest.
This book addresses anyone who is interested in self-improvement and living life to a richer dimension. Through its exploration of mind and body, it will let the readers explore and understand different techniques to reach inner stillness and joy. Life is a gift and it is available to everybody.
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