Sunday, April 8, 2012


The way you are viewing things in your daily life determine how you feel. They also have a great impact on your desired outcome.

Are you really conscious on the life perspective you are choosing? If your answer to my question is no, you should definitely watch the inner dialogue that is taking place in your mind, especially if you catch yourself with repetitive, negative thoughts. When this happens, your best bet is always to go opposite and rephrase your negative affirmations in a positive way.

The powerful act of rephrasing a sentence will allow you to fully view things from a more positive perspective. It will lift all negative weights and pressures and open the door to very new perspectives.

Let me show you a concrete example of two different types of perspectives.

Imagine two different individuals were set for a compulsatory training.

Individual A is considering that the unwanted training is a full waste of time. He is sad and angry even before the training session begins. During the whole training, he is inattentive, bored, totally depleted of his energy. He decides to shut his mind to any type of information and skills he could acquire.

Individual B is considering that the training session will allow him to learn new skills. He has the will to learn and to listen. During the whole session, he invests himself by participating. He is happy with the new knowledge he just acquired and his experience is very fruitful.

Who do you think really wins? Who is making the best of his circumstances? Individual B, of course, because he went with an open mind and a positive perspective. His good will and willingness to learn allowed him to acquire some new skills.

Next time you catch yourself with some unpleasant sentences in your mind, immediately think about rephrasing your sentence in a positive way. This way, you will allow some positive changes to arise.

Remember: you are the master of your ship!

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

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